vendredi 27 octobre 2017

Devoir 7 - Grades 7A & 7B

Image result for working student cartoon
Pour le Dimanche 29 Octobre
Classes 7A & 7B

·         Complète le tableau suivant.
Complete the following table.

AVOIR au négatif
ÊTRE au négatif

You (one person)




You (a group)

They (males)

They (females)

·         Traduis les phrases suivantes en Français. Transforme-les en forme négative.
Translate the following sentences to French. Transform the sentence to its negative form (You don't have to rewrite the whole sentence again. Just add the negative "buns" in a different color).

1.       I am thirteen years old. I have one blue ruler and two black notebooks.

2.       You (one person) are twelve years old. You (one person) have three red books and four pink pens.

3.       He is eleven years old. He has five brown pencils and six green erasers.

4.       She is ten years old. She has seven orange calculators and eight yellow bags.

5.       We are fourteen years old. We have nine white erasers and ten black pens.

6.       You (a group) are fifteen years old. You have a father and a mother.

7.       They (males) are sixteen years old. They (males) have a grandfather and a grandmother.

8.       They (females) are seventeen years old. They (females) have a brother and a sister.

Traduis les phrases suivantes en Français.
Translate the following sentences to French. 
(Reminder: Heba's book = the book of Heba = Le livre de Heba)

1.       Sumaya’s birthday is on Wednesday, February twenty-third.

2.       Amr’s pencils are black.

3.      My father’s book is blue.


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