vendredi 27 octobre 2017

Devoir 5 - Grade 10A & 10B

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Pour le Lundi 30 Octobre
Classe 10B

Pour le mardi 31 Octobre
Classe 10A

- print the sheets, stick them to your notebook and complete the exercises neatly and correctly based on the lessons we have covered so far -

If the homework hasn't been done on time, it will result in a zero.
No late homework will be accepted.

HOMEWORK 4 is also due today.

Exercise 1: Lis la lettre suivante et réponds aux questions par des phrases complètes EN FRANҪAIS.
Read the following letter and answer the questions in full sentences IN FRENCH.

Good Morning!
My name is Christophe. I am sixteen years old.
My birthday is on the twenty-first of August.
What about you? What is your name? How old are you?
When is your birthday?

See you soon, goodbye!


a.      Traduis la lettre de Christophe de l’Anglais au Franҫais. 
Translate the letter of Christophe from English to French.

b.      Réponds aux questions de Christophe en lui écrivant une lettre sur toi-même.
Answer Christophe’s questions by writing him a letter about yourself.

Exercise 2: Copie et complète le tableau suivant avec les verbes AVOIR et ÊTRE.
Copy and complete the following table with the verbs AVOIR (to have) and ÊTRE (to be).

Verbe Avoir
Verbe Être





You (plural)

They (males)

They (fem.)

Exercise 3: Translate the following sentences from English to French.

1. I am tall. She is seventeen years old.
2. He is short. They (males) are twenty years old.
3. They (females) have seven books and two erasers. They are pretty.
4. We are sixteen years old. You (pl.) are handsome.
5. You are ugly. You have five pens.
6. She is talkative. She is fifteen years old.
7. I am fourteen years old. I am tall.
8. You (pl.) are short. You (pl.) have ten bags. 

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