vendredi 3 novembre 2017

Devoir 8 - Grades 7A, 7B

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Pour le Dimanche 5 Novembre
Classes 7A et 7B

Exercise 1: Complète le tableau suivant. Complete the following table.

AVOIR au négatif
ÊTRE au négatif

You (one person)




You (a group)

They (males)

They (females)

Exercise 2: Traduis les phrases en les mettant au négatif dans une autre couleur. Translate the sentences by turning them to the negative form and add the negative in a different color.

1. I am twelve years old. I have three pink copybooks. I am tall.

2. She is thirteen years old. She has five yellow bags. She is short.

3. We are ten years old. We have six green pencils. We are pretty.

4. You (pl.) are nine year sold. You (pl.) have seven blue books. You (pl.) are ugly (girls).

5. You are eight years old. You have three orange erasers. You are lazy (boy).

6. They (m.) are fourteen years old. They (f.) have two black pens. They (m.) are active. 

Exercise 3: Traduis les phrases puis pose les questions qui correspond a chaque réponse. Translate the sentences then ask the question that applies to each sentence.

- Good Morning!
- My name is Salma.
- I am twelve years old.
- My birthday is on the fourth of August.
- Yes, I have a sister.
- She is called Yomna.
- My sister is fifteen years old.
- Her birthday is on the seventh of July.
- She is short.
- No, I don't have a brother.
- My father is called Sherif.
- He is forty years old.
- His birthday is on the twelfth of January.
- He is tall.

Exercise 4: Traduis les phrases suivantes. (Hint: Monsieur, Madame; Of = De)

- Ms. Manal's books are brown.
- Ms. Hanan's pencils are black.
- Ms. Heba's birthday is on the twenty-eighth of October.
- Mr. Ahmed's birthday is on the fifth of June. 

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