jeudi 9 novembre 2017

Devoir 11 - Grades 9A & 9B

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Pour le Dimanche 12 Novembre
Classe 9A

Pour le Lundi 13 Novembre
Classe 9B


Quelle heure est-il?

You can use "military" hours for the pm (for example: 1pm = 13h; il est 1h or il est 13h), or you can specify "du matin" (am - from midnight to noon), de l'après-midi (after noon - from noon until sunset), or le soir (nighttime - after sunset).


Exercise 1: Quelle heure est-il? Write the time once as pm hours, and once as am hours.

Exercise 2: Put the hands in the right place according to the time written under each clock.

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