vendredi 24 novembre 2017

Devoir 14 - Grade 9A et 9B

Pour le Dimanche 26 Novembre
Classe 8A

Pour le Lundi 27 Novembre
Classe 8B

Les activités quotidiennes
(The daily activities)


Regarde la vidéo et complète les phrases suivantes. Watch the video and complete the following sentences.

1. Il est .....
Madame LeGrand....

2. Il est .....
Monsieur LeGrand....

3. Il est....
Léo .....

4. Il est .....
La famille LeGrand ....

5. Il est ....

6. Il est ....
Alice ....

7. Il est...
Léo .... Il est ... 

What does "être en retard" mean? Look it up.
Now complete the following.

Je ............ en retard
Tu ........... en retard
Il/Elle ....... en retard
Nous.......... en retard
Vous.......... en retard
Ils/Elles ...... en retard

Devoir 13 - Grade 8A et 8B

Pour le Lundi 27 Novembre

Les activités quotidiennes
(The daily activities)


Regarde la vidéo et complète les phrases suivantes. Watch the video and complete the following sentences.

1. Il est .....
Madame LeGrand....

2. Il est .....
Monsieur LeGrand....

3. Il est....
Léo .....

4. Il est .....
La famille LeGrand ....

5. Il est ....

6. Il est ....
Alice ....

7. Il est...
Léo .... Il est ... 

What does "être en retard" mean? Look it up.
Now complete the following.

Je ............ en retard
Tu ........... en retard
Il/Elle ....... en retard
Nous.......... en retard
Vous.......... en retard
Ils/Elles ...... en retard

mercredi 22 novembre 2017

Devoir 13 - Grades 9A & 9B

Related image

Pour le Dimanche 26 Novembre
Classe 9A

Pour le Lundi 27 Novembre
Classe 9B


La Leçon

La routine, c'est quelque chose qu'on fait chaque matin. C'est une habitude. On utilise le présent simple pour parler de la routine.

1. Je me réveille à six heures mois le quart du matin.
Question: Á quelle heure tu te réveilles?
2. Je me lève à six heures du matin.
Question: Á quelle heure tu te lèves?
3. Je me lave à six heures cinq du matin
Question: Á quelle heure tu te laves?
4. Je me brosse les dents dans la salle de bains.
Question: Où est-ce-que tu te brosse les dents?

5. Je me douche à six heures et quart du matin.
Question: Á quelle heure tu te douches?

6. Je m'habille dans ma chambre à six heures et demi.
Question un: Où est-ce-que tu t'habilles?
Question deux: Á quelle heure tu t'habilles?

7. Je prends le petit-déjeuner à sept heures mois dix dans la cuisine. Je mange des céréales et je bois du lait.
Question un: Á quelle heure tu prends le petit-déjeuner? 
Question deux: Où est-ce-que tu prends le petit-déjeuner? 
Question trois: Qu'est-ce-que tu manges et qu'est-ce-que tu bois pour le petit-déjeuner?

Le Devoir

Trouve les questions pour ces actions de la routine du matin. Find the questions for these morning routine actions.

8. Je vais à l'école ..... (At what time? How? By bus, by car, walking...).
Question un:
Question deux:

9. Je rentre à la maison... (At what time? How?)
Question un:
Question deux:

10. Je prends mon déjeuner .... (At what time? Where? What do you eat?)
Question un:
Question deux:
Question trois:

11. Je fais mes devoirs ... (At what time? Where? Homework of what? English, French...)
Question un:
Question deux:
Question trois:

12. Je regarde la télé... (At what time? Where?)
Question un:
Question deux:

13. Je sors de la maison... (With who? Where?)
Question un:
Question deux:

14. Je prépare mon dîner... (At what time? Where? What do you prepare for dinner?)
Question un: 
Question deux:
Question trois:

15. Je me couche... (At what time?)

lundi 20 novembre 2017

Classwork - Grade 10A & 10B

Image result for la famille cartoon

Lundi 20 Novembre in class 
- continue as homework with your partner -
Classe 10B
project due Lundi 27 Novembre

Mardi 21 Novembre in class - Mercredi 22 Novembre in class
- continue as homework with your partner - 
Classe 10A
project due Mardi 28 Novembre

PROJET: LA FAMILLEUse your lesson to do this classwork project in teams of 2.

Here is a vocabulary sheet to help you refresh!
The structure of the questions and answers is in the lesson we covered in class.
                          Les membres de la famille / Family members

Classwork Project

In pairs (teams of 2), practice the questions and answers orally, and then write a conversation about you and your family (questions and answers) as follows. You need to type it or write it neatly on papers and stick them on colored charts. Use drawings or pictures of yourself as well of your family members to decorate your charts. You can use photos off the internet if you don't want to hang your real family's photos.

If you don't have a brother or a sister, make them up! 
Any missing part in the project will affect your grade significantly. ALL PARTS NEED TO APPEAR ON YOUR PROJECT.

- Greeting
- Greeting
- What is your name?
- My name is... and you?
- My name is... How old are you?
- I am ... and you?
- I am ... When is your birthday?
- My birthday is on the ... and you?
- My birthday is on the ... 

- What is your father's name?
- My father is called... and you?
- My father is called... How old is your father?
- My father is ... and you?
- My father is ... When is your father's birthday?
- My father's birthday is on the ... and you?
- My father's birthday is on the ...

- What is your mother's name?
- My mother is called ... and you? 
- My mother is called... How old is your father?
- My mother is ... and you?
- My mother is ... When is your father's birthday?
- My mother's birthday is on the ... and you?
- My mother's birthday is on the ...

- What is your brother's name?
- My brother is called ... and you? 
- My brother is called... How old is your father?
- My brother is ... and you?
- My brother is ... When is your father's birthday?
- My brother's birthday is on the ... and you?
- My brother's birthday is on the ...

- What is your sister's name?
- My sister is called ... and you? 
- My sister is called... How old is your father?
- My sister is ... and you?
- My sister is ... When is your father's birthday?
- My sister's birthday is on the ... and you?
- My sister's birthday is on the ...

- Greeting
- Greeting





Classwork Project - Grades 8A, 8B, 9A et 9B


Du Lundi 20 au Mercredi 22 Novembre
Classes 8A, 8B, 9A et 9B

Classwork Project: Ta routine du Matin

Draw a comic strip with your morning routine with a caption underneath every picture describing your action and the time you are doing the action. Sometimes you will need to specify where the action is taking place, and what it is that you are eating for example, or how you go to school, etc..Stick your morning routine comic strip on a colored chart and don't forget to write a title for your project!

Your morning routine project is based on the last classwork/homework we have covered. It needs to include all 15 actions covered in the lesson.

Here are some examples of comic strips to inspire you!
Don't forget to include both a drawing/picture and a caption describing what you are doing.


Image result for la routine du matin comic strip

Related image
Image result for la routine du matin vignettes

Related image

Classwork Project - Grade 7A et 7B


Classes 7A et 7B


This project is to be done individually, but you can help each other!
It is due on Lundi 27 Novembre, typed.
You can use all your notes and lessons; everything is in there! 

Present Françoise's Family!

Her grandmother Louise, her grandfather Marc, her father Alain, her mother Thérèse, her uncle Maurice, her aunt Michelle, her brothers Antoine, Paul and Gilbert.

Françoise is the blond one sitting on the couch. She will first start by describing herself, so she will be talking in the first person (Je). She will tell us her name, that she is twenty-one years old, that she is French and that she comes from France. She will tell us that she is of average height, and that her hair is blond, short and straight. She will also tell us that her eyes are blue, and that she is friendly and pretty.

Then she will be presenting each member of her family, so she will refer to them in the third person (Il or Elle). You will make up all the information about each family member (except for the names, which are given in the beginning of this classwork project).
She will tell us each family member's name, age, nationality, country and height. She will describe each member's hair (texture/color/length) and eye color. She will also tell us two adjectives about each member of her family.  

So just to make sure you understand...
When Françoise talks about herself, she will say:
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Françoise. J'ai vingt-et-un ans. Je suis Française et je viens de la France.... (continue!)
When she talks about her eyes for example, she will say "Mes yeux sont..." or "J'ai les yeux..."

When Françoise talks about each member of her family, she will say:
Mon grand-père s'appelle Marc. Il a soixante-dix ans. Il est Français et il vient de la France......... (continue!)
When she talks about someone else's eyes, she will say "Ses yeux sont..." or "Il/Elle a les yeux...)

  Related image             

samedi 18 novembre 2017

Grades 8 et 9

For our Sokhna Trip!

Some new vocabulary you have to know... 

À la plage

Quiz - Grade 10A & 10B

Related image
Pour le Lundi 20 Novembre
Classe 10B

Pour le Mardi 21 Novembre
Classe 10A

Quiz on the lesson of "JE VEUX"

You have to be able to name/ to write in French the 17 actions we have covered in class! 
It's not a multiple choice this time... One level harder! You can do it.

*Note to Grade 10A: 
Les professions (the jobs) lesson won't be in this quiz, only the lesson about "Je veux". 

Final Halloween Project - Grades 7A & 7B

Image result for une citrouille cartoon


Your FINAL Halloween group projects are due tomorrow Sunday - last chance!

  • They need to be on colored charts/Canson papers, typed or written in a very neat and organized manner.

  • Don't forget your drawings - you can also print pictures of your characters.
  • Use Colors, make your project pretty and make sure there are NO spelling mistakes!
  • We will hang them on your class walls and they will be graded as quarter group projects!
Print these sheets and keep them in your folders! 
You need to know this vocabulary.

Image result for halloween en francais

Related image

Devoir 12 - Grades 8A & 8B

Image result for la routine du matin cartoon

Pour le Dimanche 19 Novembre
Classes 8A et 8B


La Leçon
(this is what we did in class)

La routine, c'est quelque chose qu'on fait chaque matin. C'est une habitude. On utilise le présent simple pour parler de la routine.

1. Je me réveille à six heures mois le quart du matin.
Question: Á quelle heure tu te réveilles?
2. Je me lève à six heures du matin.
Question: Á quelle heure tu te lèves?
3. Je me lave à six heures cinq du matin
Question: Á quelle heure tu te laves?
4. Je me brosse les dents dans la salle de bains.
Question: Où est-ce-que tu te brosse les dents?

5. Je me douche à six heures et quart du matin.
Question: Á quelle heure tu te douches?

6. Je m'habille dans ma chambre à six heures et demi.
Question un: Où est-ce-que tu t'habilles?
Question deux: Á quelle heure tu t'habilles?

7. Je prends le petit-déjeuner à sept heures mois dix dans la cuisine. Je mange des céréales et je bois du lait.
Question un: Á quelle heure tu prends le petit-déjeuner? 
Question deux: Où est-ce-que tu prends le petit-déjeuner? 
Question trois: Qu'est-ce-que tu manges et qu'est-ce-que tu bois pour le petit-déjeuner?

Le Devoir
(this is the homework I wrote on the board)

Trouve les questions pour ces actions de la routine du matin. Find the questions for these morning routine actions.

8. Je vais à l'école ..... (At what time? How? By bus, by car, walking...).
Question un:
Question deux:

9. Je rentre à la maison... (At what time? How?)
Question un:
Question deux:

10. Je prends mon déjeuner .... (At what time? Where? What do you eat?)
Question un:
Question deux:
Question trois:

11. Je fais mes devoirs ... (At what time? Where? Homework of what? English, French...)
Question un:
Question deux:
Question trois:

12. Je regarde la télé... (At what time? Where?)
Question un:
Question deux:

13. Je sors de la maison... (With who? Where?)
Question un:
Question deux:

14. Je prépare mon dîner... (At what time? Where? What do you prepare for dinner?)
Question un: 
Question deux:
Question trois:

15. Je me couche... (At what time?)

lundi 13 novembre 2017

El Sokhna Trip - Grades 8 and 9

Image result for city international school egypt 

Grades 8 and 9


1st Day
08:00-8:30 Departure from the meeting point Hotel Check in Horizon el Wadi
10:00-10:30 Check in and have some rest Beach activities -- Swimming and have some fun 14:30-17:00 Doing some activities related to team building
19:00-20:00 Dinner time

2nd day
08:00-08:30 Breakfast
08:30-09:30 Move to marina by bus Yacht 7 hrs. Private yacht, Snorkeling and swimming, lunch at yacht
17:30 Back to hotel by bus
Free time 2hrs
20:00 Dinner at hotel 

3rd day
08:00-09:00 Breakfast time
11:00-11:30 Check-out and Departure
12:00 Head back to Cairo

·         Cost of the trip, all-inclusive - 2,250 LE

·         Date - Monday, November 20th to Wednesday, November 22nd

Quiz - Grades 8A & 8B

Le Mardi 14 Novembre


  • Comment lire l'heure?
  • Ma Routine

Devoir 12 - Grades 9A & 9B

Related image

Pour le Mardi 14 Novembre
 Classe 9A

Pour le Mercredi 15 Novembre
Classe 9B
Ma Routine = My routine

Look up this new vocabulary and write it down in your notebook:
Je me rèveille - Je me lève - Je me lave - Je m'habille - Je prends le petit-déjeuner - Je me lave les dents

Once you have translated each term, translate the whole sentence.

Image result for je me lève a huit heures je me lave
Related image

Look up this new vocabulary and write it down in your notebook: 
Je vais - du lait - des céréales - Je me brosse - Je sors - Je rentre - Je fais mes devoirs - Après - Ensuite - je me couche

Once you have translated these terms, translate the whole text.

Image result for je me lève a huit heures je me lave