jeudi 14 septembre 2017

Hello Again!

Welcome Dear Students!

We hope that you had a pleasant and relaxing summer vacation! 
Now here we are ready to start a new school year 2017-2018 full of new educational and enriching experiences. Our aim is to continually develop on an intellectual and on a personal level by putting our skills to the test, by surpassing ourselves, and to never give up when faced with challenges - that is, to always go forward!

This year we are introducing a much more interactive educational system between teachers and students, based on a student-centered approach that highlights the student's contributory role in the learning experience. This approach is further facilitated through an on-line communication system with blogs by and between teachers, students and parents. These 'blogs' create a new, efficient work space for all parties. Blogs must be checked on a daily basis for a continual update of the work to be done.
In addition to this, we will be working within the framework of a quarterly theme to be applied in all subjects, by all teachers. Themes provide a more focused scope of work and broaden our knowledge when taught through different subject areas. The theme of the first quarter will be: "Once upon a time ...".

In our school, French is taught as a third language after English and Arabic. We believe in the importance of languages ​​in today's world, a world that is becoming more and more open and interdependent. The aim is therefore to broaden the linguistic abilities of our students in order to give them access to a greater number of information resources; to ensure the possibility of much wider communication on an international level with different nationalities and cultures, and to increase the number of professional opportunities for them in the future.

And now, good luck and let's move forward with French!

Ms. Heba Ghaleb
French teacher.

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