vendredi 29 septembre 2017

Devoir 3

Pour Le Dimanche 1 Octobre
Classes 8A & 8B

Graded Homework to be done in your French notebooks.


Exercise 1: Translate the following questions and answers. 

1. What height is the king? The king is of average height.
2. What height is the queen? The queen is very short.
3. What height is the prince? The prince is quite tall.

4. What color are the princess's eyes? The princess's eyes are blue.
5. What color are the magicien's eyes? The magicien's eyes are brown.
6. What color are the witch's eyes? The witch's eyes are yellow.

7. What is the king's hair like? The king's hair is brown, short and straight.
8. What is the queen's hair like? The queen's hair is blond, long and curly.
9. What is the prince's hair like? The prince's hair is black, mid-lengh and straight.

10. What is the princess like? The princess is entertaining.
11. What is the witch like? The witch is annoying.
12. What is the fairy like? The fairy is organised.  

13. What is the magic wand like? The magic wand is white and small.
14. What is the magic potion like? The magic potion is purple and ugly.
15. What is the castle like? The castle is grey and very big.

Exercise 2: Refresh your memory with the house and home vocabulary! Translate the following words from English to French.

The bedroom - the bathroom - the reception - the kitchen - the dining room - the office - the entrance - the garden - the garage - the desk - the table - the chair - the side table - the carpet/rug - the computer - the poster 

Exercise 3: What do these prepositions translate to? Translate from English to French.

in = ... on = ... under = ... with = ... behind = ... in front of = ...

Exercise 4: Create five sentences with the new fairy tales vocabulary words, the house and home vocabulary and the prepositions. 

Example: La belle princesse est dans la chambre.

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