lundi 25 septembre 2017

Devoir 1 & 2

"Even Zizo can't handle my class!"

Pour Le Mardi 26 Septembre 2017:
Classe 10A

Pour Le Jeudi 28 Septembre 2017:
Classe 10B

  • Revise the 4 conversational questions and answers we have covered so far and be ready for an oral and written quiz!

  • Research "les jours de la semaine", "les mois de l'année", "les numéros de 0 å 31" in French and write them down in your notebookBe mindful of your spelling!

Devoir due last week - make sure you have it ready for next class!

  • Theme Research Task:
How do we say "Once Upon A Time..." in French?

  • Choose Your Character:
You can pick whichever character you want to go by during our quarter one theme duration. You can be any fictional or real person in history: a superhero, a cartoon character, a God or Goddess from Ancient Egypt or from the Greek Mythology or any other historical era, a person that played an important role in history, a fictional or real royalty figure, a famous artist, or even a football player  - someone you are interested to find out more about, someone you are ready to personify, someone you are ready to become.

  • About Your Character:
- Find out your character's nameage and birthday in French and write it down in your copybook.
- Bring one item in particular that represents the character you have chosen to be. This could be anything: an accessory, a face mask, a hairpiece, a book, a toy, a gadget - be creative! One should be able to guess who you are from this item. 
- Research how to say and spell this item in French - note it down in your notebook.  





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