lundi 25 septembre 2017

Devoir 2

Mardi 26 Septembre
Classes 8A & 8B

  • Prepare yourself to be your character!
- Be ready to answer all our daily conversational questions as your character (check homework 1) - get all the information in Frenchname, age, birthday, brothers, sisters and parents (names, ages and birthdays).

- Bring one item representative of your character and find out what it is called in French - be creative.

  • Nouveau Vocabulaire!
Look up these words and find out what they mean (their translation in English).

1. Le roi. 2. La reine. 3. Le prince. 4. La princesse. 5. Le magicien. 6. La sorcière  7. La baguette magique. 8. La potion magique. 9. Le château. 10. La fée.

  • Refresh your memory with the adjectives we have covered in class today + the family vocabulary.
  • Find one new adjective in French + its opposite to add to our list of our adjectives. 
(example: ennuyant (e) - amusant (e) = annoying/boring - amusing/entertaining). 

  • QUIZZES (Written).

Mercredi 27 Septembre: 8A & 8B.


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