samedi 19 mai 2018


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for the FINAL EXAM!

All homework sheets, copybook notes, quizzes, and classwork sheets need to be revised.

  • Conversation (Questions and answers: name, age, birthday, condition/state, Nationality, Country, Height, Hair, Eyes, Brothers and Sisters): You have to be able to ask the question and answer it in the first person (je) and in the third person (il/elle).
  • Verbes avoir and être and what we use them for (having something, age, describing) + The negative form of verbes avoir and être (ne... pas/ n'...pas)
  • School objects vocabulary (including the articles un/une/le/la/l'/les/des)
  • Adjectives (Question: Comment es-tu? and answers with adjectives)
  • Colors (féminin and masculin)
  • The possessive {‘s} (de)
  • Les nombres + les jours + les mois (de 0 à 31, ow to say 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000 and 2018) + how to write La date (the order: day + date + month)
  • The order of the noun and the color (noun+color = le cahier noir)
  • La famille: vocabulary (members)
  • Animals: vocabulary (le chien, le chat, le serpent, le lapin, l'araignee, la vache, le cheval, l'ane, l'oiseau, la poule, le loup, le poisson, l'abeille, le canard, le singe)
  • My favorite things (questions + answer = Quelle est ta couleur preferee? Ma couleur preferee est le noir)
  • La France et l'Europe (text about France and Paris, understand all the info in it)
  • La Maison: all vocabulary, how to describe the house, verbe habiter, the different rooms, the different objects inside a room, prepositions (see sheets).

You should be able to write a paragraph to present yourself including your name, age, birthday, nationality, country, height, eye color, hair texture/length/color, adjectives. In the first person (Je)

You should also be able to write a paragraph to present someone else. In the third person (Il/Elle)

You should be able to write a conversation (question and answer) including name, age, birthday, nationality, country, height, eye color, hair, adjectives.

You should be able to write a paragraph in which you say where you live, in what kind of house, with who. You should be able to describe what is on the ground floor and what is on the first floor. You should be able to describe the different things in your room including color, size, and prepositions to locate them (like the text of Anne-Marie).

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