mardi 24 avril 2018

Download ----> DUO LINGO

Image result for duo lingo

Attention grades 7, 8, 9 and 10!

Including technology in the classroom is mandatory as per the educational standards we follow at ACIS.

Therefore, for our French classes, students are required to download an app called DUO LINGO on their mobile phones, laptops, or IPads to work on daily in the classroom and at home (minimum 30 minutes a day), and bring them to class.

Using the app is mandatory; it will count for 20% of quarter 4's grade as a quarter project.

Downloading the app requires internet, but using it to practice can be done offline. 

By next Sunday, April 29th, every student must have downloaded and used the app.
Students will be quizzed on the content regularly. 

Thank you and good luck! 

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