samedi 17 février 2018

Projet - grade 7

PROJET pour le Lundi 26 Fevrier 2018
Classes 7A et 7B

1. Choose 7 animals from the ones we have learned in class.
2. On a coloured chart, stick large images of the 7 animals you have chosen.
3. Write the title of the animal under each image in French.
4. Write a small paragraph in the third person in which you say the animal's name (you come up with a funny name), his/her age, birthday, nationality, country, height, hair color/texture/length, eye color and 2 adjectives about his/her personality.


Image result for cartoon images of animals 

Il s'appelle Brownie. Il a trois ans. Son anniversaire est le quinze Janvier. Il est Anglais. Il vient de l'Angleterre. Il est grand. Il a les cheveux brun, courts et lisses. Il a les yeux noirs. Il est silencieux et paresseux. 

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