samedi 24 février 2018

Quiz 2 - Grade 10

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Le Mercredi 28 Fevrier 2018
Classe 10A

Le Jeudi 1 Mars 2018
Classe 10B

Quiz on all the work we have done in the sheet (the paragraphs, the table, the exercise).

samedi 17 février 2018

Copy Book Check - Grades 7, 8, 9 and 10

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Copy Book Checks 
Le Dimanche 25 Fevrier 2018

For grades 7, 8, 9 and 10.

- You need to have all the lessons, exercises and sheets we have worked on since semester 2 started.

- If you do not have everything in your copybook, or if you forget your copybook the day of the copybook check, you will get a 0. NO EXCEPTIONS. 

You have plenty of time to collect everything you have missed. No excuses. Good luck!

Quiz - Grade 7

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Postponed to: Mardi 27 Février 2018
Classes 7A et 7B

Quiz sur les animaux

1. Study the table with the animals vocabulary. Spelling counts!

2. Know how to write a paragraph with the information given about a character (like the exercises we did in class in the first or third person).

Projet - grade 7

PROJET pour le Lundi 26 Fevrier 2018
Classes 7A et 7B

1. Choose 7 animals from the ones we have learned in class.
2. On a coloured chart, stick large images of the 7 animals you have chosen.
3. Write the title of the animal under each image in French.
4. Write a small paragraph in the third person in which you say the animal's name (you come up with a funny name), his/her age, birthday, nationality, country, height, hair color/texture/length, eye color and 2 adjectives about his/her personality.


Image result for cartoon images of animals 

Il s'appelle Brownie. Il a trois ans. Son anniversaire est le quinze Janvier. Il est Anglais. Il vient de l'Angleterre. Il est grand. Il a les cheveux brun, courts et lisses. Il a les yeux noirs. Il est silencieux et paresseux. 

Devoir 3 - Grade 7

Pour le Lundi 19 Fevrier 2018
Classes 7A et 7B

1. Finish the exercises we had started in class last week (exercise 4 page 41 in the sheet).

2. Write the four paragraphs we started in class last week with the information about each character (Julia, Aly, Shaza and Hatem). Use exercise 4 page 39 in the sheet to help you write these paragraphs.

  • Julia: in the first person, 2 brothers Sam and Karim, 1 sister Habiba, parents Hussein and Sarah, she has green eyes, blonde hair, she has a monkey called Abou, she is lazy and short.
  • Aly: in the third person, no brothers, 2 sisters Heba and Hoda, he is 15 years old, he has brown eyes, and short and black hair, he has 2 dogs and one cat, he is of average height, he is handsome.
  • Shaza: in the first person, 14 years old, one brother, one step-sister who is called Zahra, mother Mona she is pretty, father Mohamed he is sporty, grandparents Manal and sherif, she has green eyes, long and curly red hair, 1 cat who is called Pumpkin, 1 horse who is called Zoro.
  • Hatem: in the third person, birthday October 28th, 16 years old, 1 brother who is called Fadi, 1 sister who is called Noushka, 1 rabbit who is called Bugs Bunny, he is tall, he had blue eyes and mid-length hair.

3. For each of the following images, circle the correct answer and translate the two wrong answers to English.


a. L'oiseau
b. L'abeille
c. L'araignee


a. Le loup
b. L'herisson
c. Le cochon d'Inde


a. L'ours
b. L'abeille
c. La baleine


a. La grenouille
b. L'oiseau
c. Le lapin


a. Le poussin
b. Le poisson
c. Le coq


a. Le cochon
b. La tortue
c. Le cheval


a. Le hibou
b. L'oiseau
c. La vache


a. Le moustique
b. La mouche
c. La coccinelle


a. L'hippopotame
b. Le rhinoceros
c. Le cochon


a. Le lapin
b. Le poussin
c. L'ours


a. Le chien
b. Le loup
c. Le chat


a. Le coq
b. La poule
c. L'oiseau

dimanche 11 février 2018

Devoir 2 - Grade 7

Pour le Lundi 12 Février

Classes 7A et 7B

Complete the sheet with the table of animals while watching the following videos.